Nov. 19, 2021 AF Week in Photos This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Aug. 15, 2019 NASIC members visits Goodfellow Goodfellow hosted and presented to members of The National Air and Space Intelligence Center how we support NASIC’s mission in an Air Education and Training Command environment.NASIC is the Department of Defense’s primary source for foreign air and space threat analysis. They are also the Air
July 1, 2019 Air Force officials announce tour length changes After listening to feedback from Airmen and career field managers, Air Force officials are reducing targeted special duty and instructor tour lengths to create a more ready and resilient force.The tour length reduction from four to three years for military training instructors, military training
June 21, 2019 Around the Air Force: Resident Bill of Rights / DoD Warrior Games / CCAF On today's look around the Air Force, the Air Force is looking for feedback on a new Housing Resident Bill of Rights draft, the DOD Warrior Games are starting this Friday, and the Community College of the Air Force will not accept applications for the professional manager certification program after
June 13, 2019 Air University phases out Blackboard with new learning management system The Air University Communications Directorate has been hard at work over the past 21 months implementing the Canvas learning management system into all Air University schools to improve student and teacher workflows and the gradual phasing out of its old LMS, Blackboard.
June 12, 2019 MTL school: developing stronger, better leaders Over the years, the MTL course has undergone many changes to benefit not only the MTLs, but the Airmen they lead.