Sixteenth CMSAF speaks with NASIC Airmen

  • Published
  • By By Senior Airman Justyn Freeman
  • National Air and Space Intelligence Center Public Affairs
A former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force spoke with members of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center when he visited Wright-Patterson AFB Friday, January 29, 2016.

Retired Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Roy told Airmen about what his career was like, what is happening with EPRs, and what the budget is looking like these days.

"I look out at you and say, ‘We're going to be ok,’” Roy said. “We are going to have some bumps, but you are on the ground doing it every day. There are some challenges as I said, but I think we are ready for them.”

Roy gave some insight on how he got so far in his career. When speaking of his accomplishments and regrets, he mentioned that nothing he did could have been completed without his team.

"You are only one person,” he said. “You can only be successful if you have a good team. Setting the priorities up front made the world of difference in my mind. As a team, we sat down and talked about what we were going to tackle. I couldn’t have gotten where I am without the support of those around me.

"Be sure to thank someone in your life that supports what you do. Thank them for the sacrifices they make every day."

Following his speech, Roy took some questions from the audience. He gave answers for a variety of topics, but many questions were directed toward the new enlisted performance reports.

"There are obviously a lot of changes with the evaluation system,” Roy said. “Every time you do that there is a bump."

Despite the bumps in the system, he placed the primary importance on feedback. With well-conducted feedback, the system will take care of itself.

"Under the old system, were you getting and receiving appropriate feedback,” Roy asked. “How do you expect someone to grow if you don't come up with a plan? You as a leader, as a supervisor, are responsible for doing that. Are you sitting down with Airmen and giving them feedback?"

He reiterated his point by pushing the idea that a relationship is what is needed to provide good, constructive feedback. A supervisor and his Airman must have a healthy understanding of each other for the constructive part to take place.

"It is all about relationships,” Roy said. “Being a supervisor every day is all about relationships. It is not a text, not a tweet; it is face-to-face. There is nothing more important than face-to-face with Airmen."