Innovation competition for NASIC

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Michael Hunsaker
  • National Air and Space Intelligence Center Public Affairs

The National Air and Space Intelligence Center held an innovation workshop competition here last month to identify possible solutions to common problem areas.

The Center’s inaugural “HACK4NASIC” event brought together participants from around the building who worked from Oct. 11—12 to improve processes identified by NASIC experts.  

The problems were in one of three categories: tool development, data science innovation and continuous process improvement. Participants formed teams based on the problem set each wished to tackle.

2nd Lt. Larry Perdue, MASINT analysis squadron analyst, was on a team looking at ways to improve one of the Center’s websites. 

“I enjoyed working in a group with a multiple point of views,” said Perdue. “I think those who participate in the future should be open minded on what they want to work on. Step outside their comfort zone and use this as an opportunity to network.”

1st Lt. Michael Ledford, Integrated C4ISR Analysis Squadron analyst, organized the “Hack4NASIC.”

“It was nice to see participants from different backgrounds to form teams and work together,” said Ledford.

The teams had roughly eight hours to get as far as they could on finding a solution.

Once the allotted time had passed, teams had seven minutes to present their solutions to a panel of judges comprised of NASIC leadership.

Participants were judged on completeness, impact and innovation. The winners of the competition received 3D-printed trophies.


 The winners include:

  • Overall: Team QWALA

    • Tim Hord

    • Capt. Bridget Flatley

    • Staff Sgt. Michael Dickey

    • Airman 1st Class Peter Fischer

  • Most Complete Solution: Team QWALA

  • Most Innovative Solution: Team Get A Better Website

    • Lt. Jacob Song

    • Dave Southworth

    • Capt. Jeff Smith

    • 2nd Lt. Larry Perdue

    • Nastassja Dasque

  • Most Impactful Solution: Team GUI, Rich and Chewy

    • Dr. Frank W. King

    • Lt. Robert Mellish

    • Lt. Robert Schaller